Since 1 January 2020, Our course “Professional Certificate in Practical Digital Marketing”(PCPDM) and “Certificate in Cross-Border E-Commerce” are now recognized under the QF Level 4 and QF Level 2 respectively.

So, What is QF Level?
Qualification Framework (QF) Level is a 7-level hierarchy that defining clear and objective standards applicable to qualifications in academic and vocational education. For example QF Level 3 is equivalent to Form 6 in New Secondary Academic Structure; QF Level 4 is equivalent to Higher Diploma/Associate Degree, and QF level 5 is equivalent to Bachelor Degree. Our Corse PCPDM named as “Professional Certificate” instead of “Associate Degree” due to its relatively short learning hours. Being recognized under QF Level 4, its level of Practicality meets the standard of a module in a QF level 4 program (i.e. Associate Degree).
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